Training, Sales, & Equipment For Drones
AGRAS Drone Pilot training school
Vertical Rope Access (VRA) Training
October 16 – 19
Tech 1 Ag. Will be sponsoring a Vertical Rope Access (VRA) training OCTOBER 16 – 19.
Call today – 971-600-8730 – for price and to get added to the list. We have 6 spots left. A certification card will be issued upon completion and evaluation by certified instructors.
Class schedule October 16 & 17th at the Salem ELKS club (Classroom). October 18th & 19th at the Coast Cliffs in Bandon, Oregon for the practical.
Call Keith today – 971-600-8730 – to reserve your spot. Hotel accommodations will be provided in Bandon. Spots filling up fast.
Tech 1 AG & Inspections
With our start in Oregon, within the Willamette Valley, and have branched out with a office added in Roseburg, Oregon. We travel statewide and provide many different applications and Services.
We operate with respect, knowledge, and skill to bring you, our customers, the best experience.
Here at Tech1 we understand your needs and match you to the products and training you are looking for.
We help you from start to end with the goals you have – from the Part 107 to the Part 137. Call us today to schedule a meeting to talk about your exciting future in Drones.
Certified FAA 107 Pilots
FAA Night Flight Certification
Professional Command Center
Top Rated Commercial Drones
Drone Repair
Crop Health
Targeted Spraying and Dusting
Ongoing Maintenance Programs
Drone Sales
Drone Pilot Training

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Our Agricultural services

Spraying Vineyards by Air is a fast and efficient way of keeping your crop healthy. Drones offer the benefits of Arial spraying at a fraction of the cost.

Drones offer hemp growers a wide variety of benefits when spraying their crops. They can also provide ways to pinpoint infestations or problem areas.

Berry Farms
Drones make quick work of spraying pesticides and other applications. Get the benefits of aerial spraying without the cost of a manned plane or helicopter. Berries are very delicate and some like Blueberries and Raspberries are hard to get equipment down the rows without damaging the valuable crop.
View our Video demo
Tech 1 AG. & Inspections uses a fleet of drones for your Agricultural, Invasive Species Control, Forestry, Monitoring, and Scanning / Imaging needs.
Our trusted partners